Dual use goods proliferation: Suspicious Iranian networks

Matters relating to the proliferation of dual use goods in favor of Iran regularly make the headlines. Suan Zhang, Parviz Khaki, Nicholas Kaïga ... If unfamiliar these names played at one time or another, a crucial role in the pursuit of Iran's nuclear program. The latter, and its possible military dimension, have been at the heart of intense negotiations between Tehran and the international community for nearly a decade. The suspicions of international negotiators are regularly renewed by the discovery of proliferation networks supplying the Iranian program in dual use goods, prohibited for export to Iran. This note aims to present the main existing means of struggle against the proliferation and the methods used by networks to circumvent international sanctions.
Crédit photo : Assaut du navire nord-coréen « So San » par les forces spéciales espagnoles, le 9 décembre 2002 au large des côtes yéménites. C’est en partie en réaction aux manquements juridiques qui ont empêché la saisie de pièces de missiles balistiques transportées par ce bateau qu' a été initiée l'Initiative de sécurité contre la prolifération (Source : US Navy)