Nayarit conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons: "A point of no return!"

A second round of conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons was held in Mexico, Nayarit February 13 and 14. Far from being a repetition of the Oslo conference (March 2013), this forum has allowed 146 states and civil society to explore further scientific humanitarian and political reflections facing a nuclear disaster. Between willingness to move quickly in the process of nuclear disarmament or continuity with the NPT, the postures of each state are emerging and will certainly reveal themselves at Vienna’s (Austria) third round at the end of 2014.
Crédit photo: Le président de la conférence de Nayarit, Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo, vice-ministre mexicain des Affaires multilatérales et des Droits de l'homme.
(source : ministère de Affaires étrangères du Mexique)