Niger: from the coup d’état to the international commitment

16 July 2013

On May 23rd 2013, two coordinated terrorist attacks hit Areva’s uranium mine in Arlit and a military base in Agadez, Niger. It was a premiere for this discrete Sahel-Saharan state, still recovering from a Tuareg 
rebellion in 2007-2009 and a military coup in 2010. Looking back at the events that marked Niger in the last three years is useful to understand this country’s humanitarian and security situation. Despite a resolute commitment toward security and development, Niger remains vulnerable both internally and externally and requires the cooperation of its regional and international partners.

Crédit photo : Le président nigérien Mahamadou Issoufou et le Secrétaire général des Nations unies Ban Ki-Moon (24 septembre 2011, au siège des Nations unies à New York.